Are you at the Cause or the Effect of your life?

Do you feel like there’s more for you, more for your life, but instead of living the life that you want, you’re constantly fighting obstacles that are getting in your way? You might be at the effect of your life and not at the cause.


“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there” Lewis Carroll


Before I became a student of a balanced mindset, I was living at the effect of my circumstances. My circumstances dictated my life. Every day, there was always something. The flat tire, the broken coffee pot, the endless favors that my family and friends needed, the last minute urgent meeting that conflicted with my personal time….. the obstacles that were thrown my way, got in my way. I was a victim to these “things”. I valued being the “go-to” person. I loved that people needed me, but why wasn’t it ok for me to take time to focus on what I needed? I felt trapped – I was guilty no matter what I did or didn’t do. I was at the effect of my life, and not the cause. I couldn’t get out of my own way.


Your thoughts resonate at different energetic level and your thoughts are viewed form a lens based on how you view life. Your ability to choose your thoughts and energy, consciously—despite the obstacles or challenges—have a direct correlation on how you respond and show up in life.


Energy Leadership is a process that helps move people from victim to visionary with lasting success. EL helps create awareness of the types and levels of energy or consciousness we choose in each moment—demonstrating how to live at the cause, instead of the effect, of our lives.


Life is unpredictable. Your car can break down, the day that you planned all to yourself can turn to chaos, your colleagues can be unreliable, your boss can be unrealistic and demanding, People let you down. These are all realities of living in this world. The unpredictable events of life can easily throw you off, but the reality is that it doesn’t have to. You have a choice. You can choose how you show up. You don’t have to let life cause you to be negative or drain positive energy. You can choose to be unchanged, balanced, and lead with conscious intent.


If you want to options for how you can show up in the midst of challenge. If you want to stop being at the effect of live and start living at the cause, let’s talk.


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