Embrace Your Season of Change
Last week was my birthday and I'm so excited! I'm excited for a lot of reasons. I am appreciative for the past year. I love the journey that I am on. I love life and I'm so excited to see what opportunities are genuinely for me in this season of change.
I am excited to be another year older. I am excited that all of the experiences up till now have prepared me for this space and this season. I am stronger, wiser, and more powerful than ever. I am living life by my terms.....well really my husband and I are ruled by a 4 year old, but you get my point.
I have been thrown a lot of challenges in my health, and it's an ongoing theme so I am prioritizing my health, and continuing to BE health. My body and all the signs are telling me that this is a key foundational component for me, so why fight it? I will be it- Health.
I'm glad that I was born in October because Fall is my favorite season. I love the cooler nights, the leaves crunching, and all of the beauty in the changing colors in nature's palette. As the leaves grow and fall, they are preparing for a re- growth, a new beginning. I, too am in the season of fall. I am shedding the things that are not for me. I am getting rid of things in my physical, mental and emotional spaces that don't serve me. For the remainder of the month I am taking the time to focus on BEING and not doing. Being a reflection of health, and Being in a space for the first time in my adult life where I am free to create a life that serves me, and my family. I am so excited!!
What season are you in and what excites you about it? If you are struggling to find your excitement, click the contact button on my website to connect.